No-code Development Approach Benefit Your Business

“The future of coding is no coding at all,” GitHub CEO Christ Wanstrath had predicted in a keynote address at the company’s annual user conference in 2017.

3 years later, no-code development is one of the rising trends in the software development industry. It is helping businesses meet the increasing software demand in the times when the requirement of software is much higher than the availability of coders and software developers are highly sought-after resources.

No wonder no-code development is a rapidly growing industry which is expected to reach $21.2 billion mark by the year 2022. The trend has become so popular that back in January 2020, Google acquired AppSheet to bring no-code development into Google Cloud.

So, it will not be wrong to say that no-code development is the future. In this, we will talk about no-code development, how it can benefit your business, and our experience with the trends. Let’s discuss in detail:

What is Nocode Development?

As a development approach for building software application without have to code, No-code development is a promising alternative to traditional software development. Using the approach, even non-technical business users can build fully-fledged application without having to worry about hiring the software developer expertise.

Are No-code and Low-code development related?

 No, they are not. Contrary to the common misconception that both the approaches are related and can be easily interchanged, no-code and low-code development are two entirely different approaches.

No-code is helpful in scenarios when all the developers in your team are occupied and business people have no coding knowledge. This approach uses declarative programming and is more about what rather than how. In this, you follow a simple set of instructions to build an app around it. The app creator defines what the app does instead of how it does it.

Low-code app development approach is also used by non-technical people to build apps. However, at a certain point you need to include developers. Generally, these people build the app up to a certain extent and then bring a developer onboard to code or customize it.

In fact, eliminating the need of developers in a project is the reason why no-code development approach is quite in demand these days.

How can the No-code Development Approach Benefit Your Business?

1. Reduced Costs by more than 80%

Building apps with the traditional and the DevOps approach is costly. Both constantly require you to have skilled professionals (software developers and DevOps engineers) onboard both of which are expensive resources. As a result, not only you will have to spare a lot of budget on hiring software developers but the cost of building an app will also go up.

However, the no-code development approach eliminates the necessity of having team of software developers and DevOPs engineers onboard for building an app. Instead, you can allot a single front-end or back-end developer to build the entire stack. Also, since you are building the app on a platform, there is no need to worry about servers, instances, containers, databases as well. All this means faster app development and less cost in a long run.

2. 10x Faster App Development

No-code development basically takes away all the complexities that you may face while building an app: the complexity of writing code, building CI/CD pipelines, and building the infrastructure which may result in your project to slow down.

Instead, you can directly jump into building the app with the no-code application development approach. Also, the user interface is so simple that you will not have trouble using it even if someone is a beginner and has no prior experience with app development.

This way you can get more done in less time with no-code app development. You can reduce the time taken for building complex apps by almost half. In simple words, no-code development can be a real game-changer.

3. Simplified release of your app to production

Ensuring smooth release of an app in production can be frustrating because you have to maintain multiple environments. It is a lot of work and many complexities are involved. As a result, releasing changes to an app may take a lot of time and efforts. Also, it’s very difficult to rollback changes if you encounter any issue.

The no-code development approach offers all the consistent environments developers may need to build, test, and release applications. With the approach, they no longer have to worry about environment consistencies, code, and configuration drift. This ultimately improves the success rates of your app releases.

4. More Focus on User Experience

One major issue with the traditional or DevOps approach is that sometimes teams get so involved in the functionality part that they forget what the customer really wants. As a result, user experience takes a backseat and apps don’t turn out as expected.

Since, lesser amount of functionality part is involved in no-code development, you don’t really have to worry about making your code work. Instead, you can focus on what customers really want and then design the app accordingly. This way, you can create powerful apps.

5. Empowering businesses

The no-code development approach helps businesses become more self-sufficient. They no longer have to wait for software development specialists for app development. Instead, even the non-technical business users can start experimenting towards building a powerful application for themselves.

Even if a business has a fully-fledged team of software developers, the no-code development approach can prove a lot helpful. Developers will know what exactly they want and how they can reduce unnecessary inefficiencies to increase productivity.

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